Functional Domains

The Functional Domain model is an ideal tool for understanding the work to be done to achieve institutional goals, rather than where the work happens in an organizational structure or how the work is paid for in a financial hierarchy.
Using Data for Student Success

Step-by-step process for using data to support student success at UC Merced and general recommendations to create the institutional conditions necessary for the proposed process to be effective.
Modernizing and Maintaining Systems and Processes

This model provides an overview of the various functional roles necessary to plan, build, operate, and maintain Information Systems.
In Search of Peer Institutions for UC Merced

This model illustrates a set of reference institutions to be used for a variety of planning and performance comparisons. This report describes the key elements of that project and shares a set of proposed aspirational and comparative peers.
Enrollment Management - Enrollment Flow

This model illustrates the process in which undergraduate enrollment occurs, stemming from recruitment and application all the way through levels (years and units) that lead to graduation.
Enrollment Dynamics - Undergraduate Students

This model provides a resource for the University to improve its Teaching Service Delivery by helping to identify common problems and points of leverage.