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Undergraduate Alumni Journey Survey Archives

The Undergraduate Alumni Journey Survey was first administered in summer 2017. The survey instrument was collaboratively developed by staff and faculty in assessment, IRDS, the DivisionĀ of Undergraduate Education, Alumni Relations, the Center for Career and Professional Advancement, Undergraduate Council, and others. The survey is administered during the summer from May to August, and alumni are contacted at up to two email addresses on record. The survey sample includes UC Merced graduates who are 1, 3, and 5 years post-graduation. So for example, in 2017 this included alumni who graduated during the academic years of 2011-12 (5 years post-graduation), 2013-14 (3 years post-graduation), and 2015-16 (1 year post-graduation). Key survey content includes: (a) current contact information and how alumni prefer to receive news about UCM; (b) current employment and other education pursued, including how well UCM prepared alumni; (c) engagement in volunteer and outreach activities; and (d) interest in being engaged with the campus as an alum. More information can also be found on the Alumni Relations survey page.

Survey Results


Undergraduate Alumni Journey Survey Dashboard

Undergraduate Alumni Journey Survey Instrument


Undergraduate Alumni Journey Survey Dashboard

Undergraduate Alumni Journey Survey Instrument


Undergraduate Alumni Survey Data - All Alumni

Alumni 1 Year Post-Graduation

Alumni 3 Years Post Graduation

Alumni 5 Years Post-Graduation

Undergraduate Alumni Journey Survey Instrument


Undergraduate Alumni Survey Data - All Alumni

Alumni 1 Year Post-Graduation

Alumni 3 Years Post Graduation

Alumni 5 Years Post-Graduation

Undergraduate Alumni Journey Survey Instrument